Padron Cigars of the Year 3 Cigar Sampler
Padron Cigars of the Year 3 Cigar Sampler Contains each of the following Cigar Aficionado Cigar of the Year awarded to Padron Cigars:
(1) 2009 Family Reserve No.45, 6 x 52. A true masterpiece of a cigar this Toro size cigar that has a lot of tobacco packed into this dark pressed solid cigar yet it draws perfectly delivering a rich smoke full of hearty flavors.
(1) 2004 Padron 40th Anniversary, Earned Top Cigar of the Year along with a 93-rating. Size: 6 1/2 x 54
(1) 1926 No.9, 5 1/8 x 65 Cigar. The Number 1 Rated Cigar in 2007 by Cigar Aficionado. |